
BigData Workflow Engine for Hadoop, Hbase, Netezza, Pig, Hive, Cascalog ...

Trouble Shoot


NoClassDefFoundError on org/apache/hadoop/thirdparty/guava/common/collect/LinkedListMultimap


and configure the /opt/glue/conf/exec.groovy to load each workflow correct classpath

e.g. processClassPath = ['/opt/glue/lib/', '/usr/lib/hadoop/lib/', '/usr/lib/hadoop']

Restart the Glue Server.

Strange file does not exist HDFS errors

Current version of Glue run by default as root and as a result all workflows run as root by default as well. Ensure that the directories you are writing to have write + read permissions for root

File Does not exist when using '/tmp/'

Avoid using the /tmp/ directory in HDFS, the local hadoop client and its APIs get confused between the local disk /tmp/ folder (which has special meaning) and the HDFS /tmp/ folder which is just another folder and has no special meaning.

Pig Query Not Working

Glue prints out the final pig query as is to the STDOUT.

Lets you your workflow run id is a61c2919-ddde-4881-b843-59111abb9dbf, and your pig script is called in the process query, then have a look at the output of: /opt/glue/log/a61c2919-ddde-4881-b843-59111abb9dbf/query

e.g. Running query SET 'glue test';

        ads = load '/queries/gluetest/data/myfile.csv' as (c:chararray, n:int);
        g = group ads by c;
        r = foreach g generate FLATTEN(group), COUNT($1);
        rmf /queries/gluetest/resp;
        store r into '/queries/gluetest/resp';

You can use this output to manually test your query sytanx in the pig console, then paste in back into the workflow.