
BigData Workflow Engine for Hadoop, Hbase, Netezza, Pig, Hive, Cascalog ...

Glue Jython



Glue supports writing workflows in 100% jython.

The GlueContext object is made available to the jython scripts using the ctx and context variables.

From the GlueContext all modules are accessed.


For testing and quick debugging the Jython Repl can be used.

To start the repl type:

glue -rpel jython -name <a workflow name for use with triggers>

The name is only usefull when you want to use triggerStore2 methods such as listReadyFiles

Most methods in Glue Modules take a Context object as the first parameter, in the workflow itself the method call is intercepted and the context is put in automatically. In the repl this does not happen so you'll need to pass in the Context on each method call.

The Context is available as "ctx"

Repl Example

s = ctx.triggerStore2().listReadyFiles(ctx)


Glue and all of its modules are written using Closures.

To convert Jython methods to Groovy Closures use the class

Passing arguments to the Closure

def f(a, b, c):
        print(str(a) + str(b) + str(c))

    Closure( f , [arg1, arg2]

The function f will be called as f(arg1, arg2)

Note that if the arguments provided are prepended to that of the glue function calling f. e.g. lets say a list files function of glue calls the function p(fileName) but we want to add to the call arg1 arg2

we can do this like the following code:

def p(arg1, arg2, fileName): 
        print(str(arg1) + str(arg2) + str(fileName))

    Closure(p, [arg1, arg2])

The function p will be called as: p(arg1, arg2, fileName)


Running pig

from import Closure
    import re
    from string import Template

    def extract_date(path):
      pat = re.compile("date=(\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d)")
      m =, re.I)
      if m is not None:
         date ='=')[1]
         return dict(year=str(date[0]) + str(date[1]) + str(date[2]) + str(date[3]), month=str(date[4]) + str(date[5]), day=str(date[6]) + str(date[7]))
         return None
        #map will contain key = day date, value = tuple (listOfFileIds, listOfPaths)
    fileMap = {}
    def compileReadyFiles(fileId, path):
        date = extract_date(path)
        if date is None:
           return None # exit the method

        if not ctx.hdfs().exist(path):
           return None # exit the method

        key = str(date["year"] + date["month"] + date["day"])
        if key not in fileMap:
               fileMap[key] = ([], [])
        (fileIds, paths) = fileMap[key]


    #this step will call the compileReadyFiles method for each file seen by the gluecron system in hdfs
    #the compileReadyFiles method builds a map (fileMap) with key = date, value = tuple(listOfFileIds, listOfPaths)

    #here we create our pig template
            a = LOAD '$files' using PigStorage('\u0001') as (name, geo);

            g = group a by geo;
            r = foreach g generate FLATTEN(group), COUNT($$1);
            store r into '/tmp/myfiles/$date'

    print "FileMap"
    print str(fileMap)

    #iterate over each query and run the pig script
    for date, (fileIds, paths) in fileMap.items():
        filesStr = ','.join(paths)
        ctx.pig().run("events_view " + date, pigStr.substitute(files=filesStr, date=date))
        ctx.triggerStore2().markFilesAsProcessed( fileIds )