
BigData Workflow Engine for Hadoop, Hbase, Netezza, Pig, Hive, Cascalog ...

Glue Workflow Context


The Glue context is a single Map/Dictionary instance shared between all processes in a workflow.

The context is used to: * Share data between processes * Provide access to modules * Provide utility methods

Sharing Data between Processes

        tasks = { context ->
            context.hasData = true
            context.dataSource = "n"
        tasks = { context ->
            if( context.hasData ){
               println "Data Source: ${context.dataSource}"


Accessing a module

        tasks = { context ->
          //uses the hdfs module configured in /opt/glue/conf/workflow_modules.groovy
          context.hdfs.list "mydir", { print it }


Utility Methods

Method Description
eval(clsName:String, method:String, values:Collection):Object Creates a new instance of the class clsName and calls the method "method" passing the method arguments values
eval(clsName:String):Object Creates a new instance of the class clsName and calls the method "method" without arguments
newInstance(clsName:String, args:Collection):Object Creates a new instance of the class clsName passing the constructor arguments args
newInstance(clsName:String):Object Creates a new instance of the class clsName
withTimeout(timeout:long, cl:Closure):Object Runs the closure within a separate thread and waits for it to complete, if the closure takes long than timeout milliseconds a TimeoutException is thrown. The thread running the closure will be killed.

Parallel Execution

The method parallel(threads:Int, failOnError:Boolean) will return a TaskExcecutor object with the following methods:

submit(cl:Closure) await(timeoutInMillis:Long)

These functions allow multiple actions to be executed without having to create a thread pool and monitor it manually. Any exceptions thrown in the tasks submitted will be rethrown in the await method.

After the await method is called, no more calls to submit will be allowed.



ctx.parallel(5, true).submit( { Thread.sleep(100) }).submit( { Thread.sleep(100)} ).await(10000)


p = ctx.parallel(5, true) p.submit(Closure( lamda : 1+1 ) ) p.submit(Closure( lamda : 2+3 ) ) p.await(10000)