
BigData Workflow Engine for Hadoop, Hbase, Netezza, Pig, Hive, Cascalog ...

FTP Module API


FTP and SFTP Module that use the Apache Commons Virtual File System project to access SFTP and FTP sites

Class: FTPModule

Method Description Example
exists(server:String=null, pathName:String):boolean true if file exist ctx.ftp.exist('myfile')
mkdir(server:String=null,pathName:String):boolean create a directory, return true if succeeded ctx.ftp.mkdir('mydir')
rmdir(server:String=null,pathName:String):boolean remove a directory ctx.rmdir('mydir')
put(server:String=null, pathName:String, input:InputStream):boolean reads data from the and puts it into a ftp file ctx.ftp.put('remotefile.txt', new FileInputStream(localFile))
put(server:String=null, pathName:String, remoteFile:String):boolean copy the localPath file to the ftp server ctx.ftp.put('localfile.txt', 'removefilename')
get(server:String=null, pathName:String, localPath:String):boolean copy the file from the ftp site into a local file name ctx.get('removefile.txt', 'localfile.txt')
withInputStream(server:String=null, pathName:String, closure(i:InputStream) opens a from the ftp pathname and pass as an argument to the closure ctx.ftp.withInputStream('removeFile.txt', { i -> readEncoded(new Base64InputStream(i, true, -1, null)) } )
rename(server:String=null, from:String, to:String):boolean rename a file on the remote ftp server
withWriter(server:String=null, pathName:String, closure(writer:Writer) create the file on the remote ftp server, opens a and passes the writer to the closure ctx.ftp.withWriter('mynewfile.txt', { w -> w << "Hi This text is written to the file mynewfile.txt on the ftp site' } )
withOutputStream(server:String=null, path:String, closure) create the file on the remote ftp server, opens a and passes the writer to the closure ctx.ftp.withWriter('mynewfile.txt', { o -> o << new FileInputStream('myfile.txt') } )
isFile(server:String=null, pathName:String):boolean true if the pathName points to a file
ls(server:String=null, pathName:String='/'):String[] List the files and directories contained in pathName on the ftp server'server1', 'mydir')?.each { f -> println f }
getParent(server:String=null, pathName:String):String Returns the parent directories of the pathName